About FBMC

1868 Shiloh Baptist Church was organized and located under a Bush Arbor at Bee and South Main Streets. Rev. Ben Lawson was the first pastor. Years later, the church relocated to a white frame structure on Main Street between West Oakland and Bartlette Streets.
1877 The South Carolina Baptist Education and Sunday School Convention was founded and organized at Shiloh, with the financing and operation of Morris College as its main focus.
1907 Rev. Lawson resigned as Pastor. He was succeeded by Rev. J. E. Harmon, who was followed by Rev. Paul Grantham, then Rev. G. W. Rice. Each pastor’s tenure was brief.
1908 Rev. J. A. Pinson became pastor. During his tenure, a new structure was constructed at the corner of Washington and Dingle Streets. The congregation marched into the partially completed, Gothic style brick structure.
1915 Rev. Pinson resigned and was succeeded by Rev. I. W. Williams, who served until his death in 1932. During his tenure, many auxiliaries were organized. The bell tower, vestibule, and front steps were completed.
1931 The church became burdened with insurmountable financial debt and was forced to be auctioned off. By the grace of God, the church was purchased by its former owners and re-named First Baptist Colored.
1932 Rev. Williams passed on to his reward. Interim pastors in succession were Reverends Walder, B. F. Neely, Calvin Jackson, Sr., and B. F. Canty.
1933 Rev. Cox assumed leadership. He resigned in 1937, The congregation was again in search of a new shepherd.
1938 Rev. D. J. McCullough was accepted as Pastor and served until he relocated.
1949 Rev. O. R. Reuben, President of Morris College served as Interim Pastor until the church was able to secure the services of Rev. H. P. Sharper.
1960 After serving as Interim Pastor following Rev. Sharper’s resignation, Rev. W. S. Randolph was elected Pastor. The church served as one of the headquarters for the Civil Rights Movement, with Pastor Randolph as one of the primary leaders of the movement. Many accomplishments and innovations were initiated during Rev. Randolph’s tenure.
1977 The congregation marched into the current structure at the corner of Washington and Dingle Streets.
1988 Shiloh-Randolph Manor was constructed to meet the housing needs of the elderly and handicapped.
2007 Rev. Randolph announced his plans to retire. Pastor O. J. Hannah accepted the role of Interim Pastor.
2009 Rev. George P. Windley, Jr. was installed as Pastor, and currently serves as shepherd of First Baptist Missionary Church
We believe in partnering and working with other bodies to uplift God’s Kingdom and spreading His love and message. FBMC ie affiliated with the following local, state and national organizations:
Wateree Baptist Association, Lower Division – we are one of 27 churches within Sumter and Lee Counties who are members. As a member, we support Morris and Benedict Colleges through giving and support of local mission work. The Association promotes fellowship and training in the following areas: the Music Ministry, Brotherhood, Trustee, Young Women (YWA), Women, Sunday School, and Usher Ministries. We meet various times throughout the year for worship, training and fellowship.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) of Sumter County
Sumter Pregnancy Center
Sumter County Concerned Clergy
United Ministries of Sumter
Crosswell Elementary School, serving as a support to aide teachers and students
Baptist Educational & Missionary Convention of SC (BEMSC) – The BEMSC is comprised of 450 Baptist Churches across South Carolina. The Convention unites Baptists into one body to do Kingdom building. The convention emphasizes the areas of Fellowship, Worship, and Stewardship. BEMSC supports Morris and Benedict Colleges as well as the Friendship College Land Development. BEMSC coordinates disaster relief worldwide. The Convention supports the state YWA, State Ushers’ Convention, State Brotherhood and the State Music Auxiliary as well as partners with the State Women’s Convention.
SC Baptist Women’s Convention – The Convention was organized to enable women of local churches within the Baptist Educational and Missionary Convention to share their gifts and service in the fields of missions and education.
National Baptist Convention, USA (NBC,USA) and the Progressive National Baptist Convention (PNBC).
National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc (NUCUAA)
Lott Carey Foundation, a religious movement with emphasis on foreign mission.